Club members

Members of "Bruxelles/Brussel : Le Pantin" for 2024

Christopher Annachachibi 2d
Daniel French 5k
François Carton 18k
Ghislaine Weissgerber 9k
Guillaume Jouret 8k
Laurens Teirlinck 3k
Louis Baudaux 1d
Lucas Neirynck 6d
Marc Buchy 18k
Martin Laurent 10k
Motoko Utashiro 20k
Mourad de Villers 1k
Olivier Drouot 3d
Pablo Gonzalez Alvarez 12k
Sidi Mohamed Ed-Daoudi 7k
Thomas Connor 4d
Victor Schneider 1k
Voja Stojanovic 4k

Number of members : 18