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EventsTuesday May 27, 2014
(all day)
Start: 24/05/2014 - 12:00
End: 30/05/2014 - 00:00
The Belgian Go Federation is proud to announce the visit of Cho Mikyung, a young Korean baduk professional, in Belgium. She will be among us for a week in late May. She has a good teaching experience (she has been teaching for a few years in Singapore) and speaks fluent English. We are very happy to welcome her. We will organize visits in go clubs and we will try to organize lectures. Stay put for a complete schedule soon! Start: 20:15
End: 22:15
The go club of Leuven is proud to announce that Baduk professional player Cho Mikyung will join us on Tuesday 27. She will play games with anyone interested and teach us. She is an excellent teacher and speaks fluent English. The meeting will take place at Café Sport, Martelarenplein in Leuven at the usual playing time. Everybody is most welcome to come along and meet her. Wednesday May 28, 2014
(all day)
Start: 24/05/2014 - 12:00
End: 30/05/2014 - 00:00
The Belgian Go Federation is proud to announce the visit of Cho Mikyung, a young Korean baduk professional, in Belgium. She will be among us for a week in late May. She has a good teaching experience (she has been teaching for a few years in Singapore) and speaks fluent English. We are very happy to welcome her. We will organize visits in go clubs and we will try to organize lectures. Stay put for a complete schedule soon! Start: 19:00
End: 22:00
The go club Phénix is proud to announce that Baduk professional player Cho Mikyung will join us on Wednesday 28. She will play games with anyone interested and teach us. She is an excellent teacher and speaks fluent English. The meeting will take place at Outpost Game Center, rue de la tribune, Brussels at the usual playing time. Everybody is most welcome to come along and meet her. Thursday May 29, 2014
(all day)
Start: 24/05/2014 - 12:00
End: 30/05/2014 - 00:00
The Belgian Go Federation is proud to announce the visit of Cho Mikyung, a young Korean baduk professional, in Belgium. She will be among us for a week in late May. She has a good teaching experience (she has been teaching for a few years in Singapore) and speaks fluent English. We are very happy to welcome her. We will organize visits in go clubs and we will try to organize lectures. Stay put for a complete schedule soon! Start: 20:00
End: 22:00
The go club of Antwerpen is proud to announce that Baduk professional player Cho Mikyung will join us on Thursday 29. She will play games with anyone interested and teach us. She is an excellent teacher and speaks fluent English. The meeting will take place at CDe Nieuwe Zurenborger, Dageraadplaats in Antwerpen at the usual playing time. Everybody is most welcome to come along and meet her. Friday May 30, 2014
End: 00:00
Start: 24/05/2014 - 12:00
End: 30/05/2014 - 00:00
The Belgian Go Federation is proud to announce the visit of Cho Mikyung, a young Korean baduk professional, in Belgium. She will be among us for a week in late May. She has a good teaching experience (she has been teaching for a few years in Singapore) and speaks fluent English. We are very happy to welcome her. We will organize visits in go clubs and we will try to organize lectures. Stay put for a complete schedule soon! Sunday June 1, 2014
Start: 14:00
End: 18:30
Rules* 7 rounds swiss, or round-robin if less than 9 participants Conditions de participation - deelname voorwaardenLe Championnat de Belgique blitz de Go (CB) est une organisation de la Fédération Belge de Go (FBG) à laquelle seul ses membres peuvent participer. Het Belgisch Go Kampioenschap (BK) is een organisatie van de Belgische Go Federatie (BGF) waaraan enkel leden mogen deelnemen. Eeniederdie lid is van de BGF en minstens een jaar in België gedomicilieerd is, kan (gratis) deelnemen aan het BK. Enkel personen die de Belgische nationaliteithebben, kunnen "Belgisch Kampioen blitz" worden. When :Dimanche 01/06 (inscription entre 13h45 et 14h00) - Zondag 01/06 (inschrijvingen van 13u45 tot 14u00) Online registration - If it doesn't work you can also register by email to Please note you have to log in (as a BGF member) to register ! Place :FR: Bar–resto « Babbelaar » Kerkplein 3 à 1601 Ruisbroek (salle de fête à l’étage) Plan d’accès :,+1601,+Sint-Pieters-Leeuw,+Vlaams+Ge... à 2 minutes de la sortie "Ruisbroek" de la E19. NL: bar-resto “Babbelaar” Kerkplein 3 te 1601 Ruisbroek (festzaal op verdiep) Toegangsplan:,+1601,+Sint-Pieters-Leeuw,+Vlaams+Ge... op 2 minuten van de uitrit "Ruisbroek" E 19. ![]() |