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Sunday December 17, 2023
Start: 10:00
End: 18:00

The tournament will take place on Sunday 17th December2023

IMPORTANT: A minimum of 4 pairs registered on 16th December 2023 is needed. If not the tournament may be canceled.

In the Belgian Rengo Championship, teams of 2 players battle it out to become the Belgian Rengo Team Champion.

What is Rengo ?

To play Rengo all you need is to know how to play Go and find a partner to make a team of 2 players.
Rengo is a popular variant of Go played in many countries for hundreds of years. It is played by 2 teams of two players - with no gender restriction.
The rules of Go apply, but players in each team alternate play turn and no conferring is allowed. Therefore, new game ideas emerge and collaborative play/tacit understanding with his/her partner is needed in order to win.
Quote: "In Rengo winning doubles joy, losing halves sorrow".


Depending on the number of teams, main time will be between 45 and 60 minutes, followed by Japanese Byo-yomi of 3 periods 30 seconds.
Games will be played with handicap -2. The rating of each pair is calculated as the average of the rating of the two players.
There is no gender restriction on the players within a team, any combination of male and female players are possible.
However, only the mixed pairs where both have Belgian nationality can qualify to be the Belgian delegation for the International Pair Go Championship.

1st prize is the eternal glory of being Belgian Rengo Champions ! :)
Participation in this tournament is free, but participants have to be members of the Belgian Go Federation.


The first round starts at 10:00.


To register, please fill in this form (1 registration per team):

If you are alone, to find another player go to the #rengo channel on Discord Baduk Cafe .


Yannick Kuy (3k) & Edouard Jeanjean (15k)
Moad Boukricha & Michael Silcher (4k)
(updated 16th December)
Whatever the number of teams present, the tournament will take place this Sunday at 10:00
For last minute registration, please call the president, it's still possible...


Association Belgique-Chine
Av. Paul Deschanel 92, 1030 BRUXELLES Schaerbeek (10 mn from North Station)

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