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Sunday December 15, 2024
Start: 13:45
End: 18:30


7 rounds swiss, or round-robin if less than 8 participants
handicap - 2 (taking the last available rating in points rating into consideration; thus: rounded delta minus 200)
12 minutes + 10 seconds/move.

Conditions de participation - deelname voorwaarden

Etre membre de la Fédération Belge de Go. Inscription gratuite. (remarque: seule une personne de nationalité belge peut être désignée "Champion de Belgique blitz").
Lid van de Belgische Go Federatie zijn. Geen inschrijvingskosten (opmerking: enkel personen die de Belgische nationaliteit hebben, kunnen "Belgisch Kampioen blitz" worden).

Meeting place

Discord of the Belgian Go Federation:
Starting time 14:00

In case of trouble go to the Discord of Baduk Cafe:
or in OGS contact user "Gnxmeh"

Games will be played on OGS, except if both players agree to play elsewhere (KGS...).

Registration form
You may also register the day of the tournament, but then come at least 15 mn in advance please !

REGISTERED PLAYERS (updated 14th December 2024)

De Keijser Guillaume
GABAN Renaud

Wednesday January 1, 2025
Start: 00:00
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

Thursday January 2, 2025
(all day)
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

Friday January 3, 2025
(all day)
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

Saturday January 4, 2025
(all day)
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

Sunday January 5, 2025
(all day)
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

Monday January 6, 2025
(all day)
Start: 01/01/2025 - 00:00
End: 31/12/2025 - 23:58

Dear players,

See in the following list all promotional activities - events to present the game of Go to the public - that are scheduled this year:

These events can be attended by beginners who want to discover Go or just people who are curious.
More importantly we will need volunteers, especially for the big events : Made In Asia, I Love Science and Bruxelles Games Festival and moderately big events: Myusticon, Manga and Cosplay.

Your main organizers will be Edouard Jeanjean, Tom Van Den Broeck and Michael Silcher. You may either contact them directly or via the forms that will be put in place for the big events.
Thank you !

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