HoshiGo club tournament - Brussels

16/11/2024 - 10:00
16/11/2024 - 18:00

Hoshi Go Club tournament

Le Viaduc
43 Rue du Viaduc
1050 Bruxelles

16th November 2024
registration 10:00
first round 10:30
end of the tournament: 18:00

Rythm: 3 games, 45 min / 5 x 20 seconds japanese byo-yomi
Japanese rules
Handicap -2 on MMS until 5 Kyu / non handicap starting from 4 Kyu and higher level
Valid for Belgian and European ratings

Inscription via email hoshigoclub@gmail.com (please mention : Name Firstname & Club & Level)
on a dedicated paper in the Viaduc