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« November 15, 2024 - December 15, 2024 »
11 / 15
(all day)
Start: 19/09/2024 - 18:00
End: 16/11/2024 - 23:55

Artist and go player Marc Buchy, in collaboration with Le Botanique, Komplot ASBL, Les Editions Extensibles and The Belgian Go Federation, presents its latest project : an ephemeral go club centered around the figure of Marcel Duchamp.

Set up at an Ixelles bar during two months, everybody is welcome to pass by to play, or take part in one of the several free events: free classes, Go-litterature evening, experimental Go-music evening, tournament...


Le Viaduc
43 Rue du Viaduc
1050 Ixelles
19 September - 17 November 2024, Tuesday-Saturday, from 5pm to midnight

Inauguration : 19th September, from 6pm
Reading event : 26th September, from 6pm
Musical event : 17th October, from 6pm
Tournament : 16th November, 10am-6pm --> see here:

11 / 16
End: 23:55
Start: 19/09/2024 - 18:00
End: 16/11/2024 - 23:55

Artist and go player Marc Buchy, in collaboration with Le Botanique, Komplot ASBL, Les Editions Extensibles and The Belgian Go Federation, presents its latest project : an ephemeral go club centered around the figure of Marcel Duchamp.

Set up at an Ixelles bar during two months, everybody is welcome to pass by to play, or take part in one of the several free events: free classes, Go-litterature evening, experimental Go-music evening, tournament...


Le Viaduc
43 Rue du Viaduc
1050 Ixelles
19 September - 17 November 2024, Tuesday-Saturday, from 5pm to midnight

Inauguration : 19th September, from 6pm
Reading event : 26th September, from 6pm
Musical event : 17th October, from 6pm
Tournament : 16th November, 10am-6pm --> see here:

Start: 10:00
End: 18:00

Hoshi Go Club tournament

Le Viaduc
43 Rue du Viaduc
1050 Bruxelles

16th November 2024
registration 10:00
first round 10:30
end of the tournament: 18:00

Rythm: 3 games, 45 min / 5 x 20 seconds japanese byo-yomi
Japanese rules
Handicap -2 on MMS until 5 Kyu / non handicap starting from 4 Kyu and higher level
Valid for Belgian and European ratings

Inscription via email (please mention : Name Firstname & Club & Level)
on a dedicated paper in the Viaduc

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Start: 10:26
End: 20:26

The tournament will take place on Sunday 24/11/2024 (one week later than initially planned).

IMPORTANT: if there is no a minimum of 4 pairs registered on 04/11/2024, the tournament could be canceled.
In the Belgian Rengo Championship, teams of 2 players battle it out to become the Belgian Rengo Champions.
There are no gender restrictions on the players within a team, any combination of male and female players are possible!
However, only the mixed pairs where both have Belgian nationality can qualify to be the Belgian delegation to the International Pair Go Championship.

Participation in this tournament is free, but participants have to be member of the Belgian Go Federation.
1st prize is the eternal glory of being Belgian Pair Go Champions! :)

Depending on the number of teams, main time will be between 45 and 60 minutes, followed by Japanese Byo-yomi of 3 periods 30 seconds.

We will play with handicap -2. The rating of each pair is calculated as the average of the rating of the two players.

The first round starts at 10:00.

Please sipmly fill in this form:

to be completed

Association Belgique-Chine Av. Paul Deschanel 92, 1030 BRUXELLES Schaerbeek

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Start: 12:10
End: 18:10

7 rounds swiss, or round-robin if less than 8 participants
handicap - 2 (taking the last available rating in points rating into consideration; thus: rounded delta minus 200)
15 minutes then 10 seconds/move byoyomi.

Conditions de participation - deelname voorwaarden
Etre membre de la Fédération Belge de Go. Inscription gratuite. (remarque: seule une personne de nationalité belge peut être désignée "Champion de Belgique blitz").
Lid van de Belgische Go Federatie zijn. Geen inschrijvingskosten (opmerking: enkel personen die de Belgische nationaliteit hebben, kunnen "Belgisch Kampioen blitz" worden).

Start: 12:30
End: 18:30

7 rounds swiss, or round-robin if less than 8 participants
handicap - 2 (taking the last available rating in points rating into consideration; thus: rounded delta minus 200)
12 minutes + 10 seconds/move.

Registration form:

Conditions de participation - deelname voorwaarden
Etre membre de la Fédération Belge de Go. Inscription gratuite. (remarque: seule une personne de nationalité belge peut être désignée "Champion de Belgique blitz").
Lid van de Belgische Go Federatie zijn. Geen inschrijvingskosten (opmerking: enkel personen die de Belgische nationaliteit hebben, kunnen "Belgisch Kampioen blitz" worden).

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