SEYGO Tour 2020 (youth < 20 years old)

The first phase of the SEYGO Tour 2020 will take place in Grenoble, on February 1st and 2nd, in parallel with the Grenoble International Go Tournament (TIGGRE - Ellie Cup).

European young players will play in 3 categories (U20, U16, U12) and will receive points and prizes, as explained on the SEYGO page of the EGF website (

We are expecting a large number of participants in the TIGGRE - Ellie Cup (see the website, many young players in the SEYGO Tour competitions and several dozens of kids from the Grenoble area who will play a « beginners tournament ». We are also happy to announce the presence of two Chinese delegations, one from Beijing (CEGO Group, with Ge Yuhong Academy) and the other one from Suzhou.