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TournamentsAndreii Kravets (UA, 1-p) prolonges his title of European championAndreii Kravets, already European champion last year, became 2024 European champion by beating Thomas Debarre (FR, 7-d) in final of the European championship. Frederik Blomback (Sweden, 7-d) took bronze medail by beating a surprising Denis Karadaban (FR, 6-d) in the « little »final. Complete results:
Belgian Rengo Championship 2023 resultsThe best teams of Belgium did gather for this 2023 Belgian RenGo Championship edition. 1) Yannick Kuy 3k & Edouard Jeanjean 15k - team "Random Movers" Not a very quantitative edition but games were played seriously and we got both quality and fun. First game was very tense and ended in a victory for the first team by 2 points only after a last yose mistake. After passionate post-game analysis, it was already late and the teams were too tired to continue a third round. So this Championship ended with a tie score of 1 game won each and no decisive winner (everyone is winner...).
Unfortunate Lukas Podpera lost the final of the "pro" qualification tournament for the 3rd time in a row. Jan Simara becomes 1-pAll European amateur players 6-dan or stronger (but the Russian ones) were invited by the EGF to the 7th European pro qualification tournament, whose winner would become the 9th European-made professional. Among the (only) 8 participating players (there were 9 positive answers), Lukas Podpera (7-d, CZ), the best ranked European amateur, was the big favorite, especially in absence of any Russian candidates. He had lost the final of the 2 previous editions: And, against all odds, he faced exactly the same cruel destiny in this year edition ! Jan Simara is certainly very strong (he has been European champion in 2012), but undoubtely weaker than Lukas. Nevertheless, Jan fully deserves to become the 9th European-made professional ! Congratulations to him ! More info:
Preliminaries Belgian ChampionshipThe following players will join the pre-qualified players in the finals:
Reserve players are (in that order):
Participate in the 3rd season of the "Belgian Go Master League" ! (closing registrations: 25/10)Participez à la 3ème saison de la "Belgian Go Master League" (BGML): en ligne, du 1 novembre au 20 décembre ! (Ré)Inscriptions possibles jusqu'au 25 octobre, via ce formulaire électronique: Pour rappel, il s'agit d'un tournoi dans lequel chaque joueur est placé dans une division de 5 joueurs. Chacun affronte les autres joueurs de sa division pendant un cycle (de 2 mois). Les parties se jouent sur OGS ( Les contacts entre les joueurs se passent sur le "Belgian Baduk Café" en mode Discord (invite link: Nous avons prévu des adaptations afin de faciliter la prise de contact entre joueurs et maximiser ainsi le nombre de parties jouées; d'autre part, les parties de la 1ère division se joueront dorénavant avec webcam. *** Neem deel aan de 3de seizoen van de "Belgian Go Master League" (BGML): online, van 1 november tot 20 december. (Her)inschrijvingen mogelijk tot 25 oktober via dit elektronisch formulier: Ter herinnering, dit is een toernooi waarin elke speler in een divisie van 5 spelers wordt geplaatst. Elke speler speelt één partij tegen elke andere speler van zijn divisie, dit gedurende een cyclus (van 2 maanden). Aan het einde van elke cyclus wordt de eerstgeplaatste speler van elke divisie gepromoveerd naar een hogere divisie. De overige spelers worden opnieuw gedistribueerd op basis van hun Belgische rating. De partijen worden gespeeld op OGS ( Alle toernooi-gerelateerde communicatie gebeurt via de "Belgian Baduk Café" Discord server (invite link: let op: we hebben enkele aanpassingen voorzien die het makkelijker maken voor spelers om contact met elkaar op te nemen, en zo het aantal gespeelde spellen te maximaliseren; daarbij zullen de wedstrijden van de 1e divisie voortaan gespeeld worden met een webcam. By Jhen at 20/10/2021 - 15:25 Tournaments Calendar
Use of Go programs in human Go tournamentsJust a reminder. Traditionally we used to play Go human vs human. And up to a few decades ago, computer Go levels were also too low to provide a sensible help to Go players. But nowadays, the strength of AI Go programs has evolved tremendously, way beyond the level of the world top Go pros players. So for sure, many of us like to use Artificial Intelligence to analyze games or simply to see moves played by computers. And this is perfectly fine and also a modern and efficient way to progress. But in a human vs human competition, the hidden use of computers spoils the fun of the suspense of a fair game played between players of sensibly around the same levels. So, for your information, the Belgian Go Federation has some tools to detect such cheating and for the first time these tools have been used to analyze suspicious games and confirm the use of computer assistance. The cost to pay if you get caught cheating with a computer is a loss of the game and several months exclusion from competition/Go Federation activities. So for your own enjoyment and the respect of your opponent, please keep computers aside when you are playing tournament games in which they are not allowed.
Result for the second round of the interclubThe results of the second round of the interclub are in. Gent-Phénix 0-3 All results can be found at
Interclubs 2021 it's now - result of first round -The Interclubs season 2021 is ongoing and the first round has already been played. But it's only a start there are still 4 rounds to come... This year there are 5 participating clubs: Ath, Ghent GGG, Bruxelles Phénix, Bruxelles Pantin and Leuven. Who can play ?If you are a registered player (i.e. fee paid for 2021 in the Federation) from any of these 5 clubs, you can participate - according how many free places there are in your club. If you are interested to participate, please contact at your club your Interclubs capitain or club president. How are Interclubs games played ?The Interclubs games are played in teams of 3 vs 3 and the time settings are 1 hour + Canadian byo-yomi 20 stones in 5 minutes. Once again this year the Interclubs is played in a 5 round round-robin tournament. The duration of each round is 6 weeks, matches must be played in this period.
SEYGO Tour 2020 (youth < 20 years old)The first phase of the SEYGO Tour 2020 will take place in Grenoble, on February 1st and 2nd, in parallel with the Grenoble International Go Tournament (TIGGRE - Ellie Cup). European young players will play in 3 categories (U20, U16, U12) and will receive points and prizes, as explained on the SEYGO page of the EGF website ( We are expecting a large number of participants in the TIGGRE - Ellie Cup (see the website, many young players in the SEYGO Tour competitions and several dozens of kids from the Grenoble area who will play a « beginners tournament ». We are also happy to announce the presence of two Chinese delegations, one from Beijing (CEGO Group, with Ge Yuhong Academy) and the other one from Suzhou.
25th European Youth Go Championships 2020 - Stubičke Toplice, Croatia March 11-14, 2020The European Youth Go Championships is the top European youth tournament. There are three categories: under 12, under 16 and under 20. The EYGC 2020 will be held in Stubicke Toplice, a beautiful spa town 40 km north of Zagreb, between 11th March 2020 and 14 March. Dedicated webpage: Registration: