
Register for the go camp with the famous Motoki Nobuchi (7-d) as main instructor (26/09 to 29/09) !

We know that most of you players want to register at the last moment. But if we don't have at least 15 registrations on 21/07, we can't ensure we can organize the go camp (26/09 to 29/09) !
We still miss 5 registrations !

And of course, there is a reduced-fee for early registrations !

Auberge du Tilff Esplanade de l’Abeille, 9 4130 TILFF
The building is an 18th century farm-manor house that can host up to 50 people and is located at the heart of the Ourthe Valley in the Ardennes.
The place is very nice, please look here:
To go there it's only 20 mn travel in train from Liège and 5 mn walk from the Tilff railroad station.

Motoki Noguchi: Our main instructor will be this year and for the first time the famous Motoki NOGUCHI 7d - reigning champion of France.

Scheduled program
Games, commented games, theory, exercices, mini-tournaments, fun...

3 full days
From Thursday evening 26/09 (6 pm) or Friday 27/09 (10 am) to Sunday 29/09 (6 pm).
Note: Possible to come only the week-end !


a. Registration BEFORE 21 July 2024 - reduced fee;
140 € full pension all included (3 nights, all the meals, drinks, lessons by the instructor).
100 € if just for the week-end
b. Registration AFTER 21 July 2024;
180 € (whole stay)
130 € (week-end only)

--> For non-Belgian Go Federation members: extra 20 € to pay with the registration

Fee to transfer on the account of the BGF IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238.

Registration form:

11/09 : deadline registration for the federal WE: from Friday 22/09 6 pm to Sunday 24/09 6 pm

Our traditional Go camp will be organised in September at the same place as last year.
Our main instructor will be Lucas Neirynck 6d, 12 times Belgian Champion, with the help of Thomas Connor 4d.

Lessons will be in English (a level above 20 kyu is advisable to fully benefit from the teachings).

From Friday December 22/09 (6 pm) to Sunday 24/09 (6 pm)

Participation fees will be soon determined to be transferred on the account of the BGF IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238.
All included: full pension (2 nights, all the meals, drinks, lessons by the instructors).
Participation fees: 100 € for the whole stay (60 € for one-day stay)
(only for BGF members, but membership fee - 20 € - can be paid with the registration)

Auberge du Tilff Esplanade de l’Abeille, 9 4130 TILFF
The building is an 18th century farm-manor house that can host up to 50 people and is located at the heart of the Ourthe Valley in the Ardennes, not far from Liege/Chaudfontaine.

Note that you should bring your own bedsheets and towels!

Registration form:

Deadline registration: 11/09/2023

Provisional program
Friday: evening: tsumego contest (30 mn chrono)
Saturday: morning: games and commentaries; afternoon: theory lesson and small tournament
Sunday: morning: grouped games and commentaries, afternoon: theory lesson and extra recreative Go activity

last call (deadline registration 28/11): federal go WE : Friday 09/12 to Sunday 11/12 (possible to come one day)

After a long period of troubles (Covid...), the traditional Go camp is back ! :)
Our main instructor will be Lucas Neirynck 6d, 11 times Belgian Champion !

Lessons will be in English (a level above 20 kyu is advisable to fully benefit from the teachings).

From Friday December 9th (18:00) to Sunday December 11th (18:00)

Participation fees of 40€ for BGF members, 50€ for non-BGF players, to be transfered on the account of the BGF IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238. All included: full pension (2 nights, all the meals, lessons by the instructors).
Participation fees for one-day: 30 € (40 € if non-BGF member).

Auberge du Tilff Esplanade de l’Abeille, 9 4130 TILFF
The building is an 18th century farm-manor house that can host up to 50 people and is located at the heart of the Ourthe Valley in the Ardennes, not far from Liege/Chaudfontaine.

Note that you should bring your own bedsheets and towels!

Registration form:
Deadline 28/11/2022

Program for Go camp
Friday: evening, tsumego contest (30 mn chrono)
Saturday: morning, games and commentaries in group the afternoon, theory lesson 1h and small tournament
Sunday: morning, grouped games and commentaries, theory lesson 1h and extra recreative Go activity

Register now for the go stage

The registrations for the yearly go weekend have openend. For more info follow the links


Go Camp: registration is open !

It is now possible to register (before 03/09, please !) for the annual Go Camp, which is organised by the Belgian Go Federation from 11 to 14/09.

Please read here more about the Go Camp:

We hope to welcome you ! Don't miss this big event in the Belgian Go life !

Go Camp 2013

The Go Camp 2013 attracted some18 go players from September 12 to 15 in Nessonvaux. According to all of them, it was a success: simultaneous games, lessons, games and even a barbecue! We will update pictures soon.

Go Camp 2013

The information about the Go camp (information in Dutch and French)is updated on the website. The playing site will be at Nessonvaux, as last year. The teachers will be strong Belgian players. We hope to see you at the Go Camp!

Go Camp 2012

Despite the low number of participants, the Belgian Go Camp was a real succes this year. You can read a report made by Semi Lee here. Thank you for your participation!

2011 Belgian Go Camp Report

We had a great time at the 2011 Belgian Go Camp. There were 33 participants; the teachers were In-Seong Hwang, 7d from Korea, and Lucas Neirynck, 4d Belgian champion. Find a full report here and the pictures here. See you at the next Go camp!

Go Weekend 2010

The lessons of Fan Hui are now available here and the pictures here.

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