
Brussels Tournament 2009

1 Dai, Junfu
2 Hwang, In-Seong
3 Zhang, Yanq
4 Antoine Fenech & Jan Ramon

Complete results here.

Pictures here.

Cosmic League Period 2 Round 1

On sunday 18th October, the second edition of the Cosmic Open took place in Outpost in Brussels. There were 7 players.

Here are the results:

1 Vercammen Dennis French Daniel 0 - 1
2 Duvinage Cédric Laurent Richard 0 - 1
3 Emile Redant Khatchaturian David 0 - 1
4 Thomas Connor bye

We hope to see you on sunday 01/11 for the second game.

Commented games

In the last BelgoNet you could already find two commented games from the final of the Belgian Championship. Two more games, commented by (semi)professionals, can now be found here in the member section. Also available are five commented games from last years Brussels tournament.
To have access to the member section you have to log in. If you don't have a username/password, ask your club responsible.

European Go Congress Groningen

Alexandre Dinerchtein (Ru/3p) is the new European Champion. Although losing his game against last year champion Catalin Taranu (Ro/5p), he finished 2 SOS-points ahead of Taranu. The competition was, as expected, dominated by the Koreans who occupied the first 5 places. Open European Champion is Kim Eunkuk. Good results for the Belgian players too, especially for Kwinten Missiaen (3k) with 8 points out of 10 games. Only 3 players scored better. The final results can be found here

Results interclub round 1

The first round of interclub season 2009 has been succesfully completed with no forfeits.

In Leuven, the club of Gent was only able to win 1 out of 3 games, all games without any handicap stones, while Antwerp defeated Ath with 3-0, with 9 stones handicap on every board.

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Ivan Cloostermans

It is with great sorrow and regret that we have to announce the death of our friend Ivan Cloostermans, founder and president of the Roeselare Go club.

In the name of all our members, the board of the BGF sends its deepest sympathy to his wife and his three daughters.

Interclub Tournament 2009

the schedule for the interclub tournament of 2009 has been put online here. Rounds will take place in April, May, September, October and November.

Cosmic Go League

What about playing frequent, serious and ranked games in a convivial atmosphere with players from the whole country?
Join the Cosmic Go League: free and open to any member of the Belgian Go Federation!
More info:
- in French
- in Dutch
- in English

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