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Belgian Rengo ChampionshipBelgian Rengo championship 2024 CANCELLED24/11/2024 - 10:26 24/11/2024 - 20:26 Etc/GMT+1 Rengo is a Go variant played by teams of 2 players who plays alternatively. Participation in this tournament is free, but participants have to be members of the Belgian Go Federation and register as teams of 2 players. When ?Sunday 24th November 2024. AddressAssociation Belgique-Chine RulesDepending on the number of teams, main time will be between 45 and 60 minutes, followed by Japanese Byo-yomi of 3 periods 30 seconds. We will play with handicap -2. The rating of each pair is calculated as the average of the rating of the two players. QualificationThere are no gender restrictions for team players, any combination of male and female players are possible! RegistrationPlease simply fill in this form: DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: SATURDAY 23RD 20:00 Note:
2023 Belgian Rengo (pair) Championship17/12/2023 - 10:00 17/12/2023 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 The tournament will take place on Sunday 17th December2023 IMPORTANT: A minimum of 4 pairs registered on 16th December 2023 is needed. If not the tournament may be canceled. In the Belgian Rengo Championship, teams of 2 players battle it out to become the Belgian Rengo Team Champion. What is Rengo ?To play Rengo all you need is to know how to play Go and find a partner to make a team of 2 players. RulesDepending on the number of teams, main time will be between 45 and 60 minutes, followed by Japanese Byo-yomi of 3 periods 30 seconds. 1st prize is the eternal glory of being Belgian Rengo Champions ! :) ScheduleThe first round starts at 10:00. RegistrationTo register, please fill in this form (1 registration per team): REGISTERED PAIRSYannick Kuy (3k) & Edouard Jeanjean (15k) AddressAssociation Belgique-Chine
Belgian Rengo Championship 2022
CANCELLED/POSTPONED - Belgian Rengo Championship 202226/06/2022 - 10:00 26/06/2022 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 The Rengo championship will not take place in June because of a lack of participants. It might be organised in December of this year instead, so stay tuned!
2021 Belgian pair championship (live)19/12/2021 - 10:00 19/12/2021 - 18:00 Etc/GMT+1 Important: Due to Covid restrictions, wearing a mask will be mandatory throughout the tournament! Championnat de Belgique de "rengo" ("pair") : en live, le dimanche 19 décembre Nous souhaitons ressusciter le championnat de Belgique de pair go dont la dernière édition remonte à 2011 ! Il s'agit d'un tournoi dans lequel des équipes de 2 joueurs s'affrontent, pas obligatoirement des paires mixtes (mais seules les paires mixtes et membres de la Fédération seront éligibles pour une éventuelle qualification à des compétitions internationales). Veuillez compléter le formulaire suivant pour y participer: **** Belgisch kampioenschap "rengo": live, zondag 19 december (georganiseerd onder voorbehoud) We willen het Belgisch kampioenschap pair go, waarvan de laatste editie dateert uit 2011 nieuw leven inblazen! Dit is een toernooi waarin teams van 2 spelers het tegen elkaar opnemen. Ditmaal wordt het een “rengo” toernooi (in de plaats van “pair go”), wat betekent dat teams niet noodzakelijk uit gemengde (1 man & 1 vrouw) paren moeten bestaan (wat betreft kwalificatie voor internationale competities komen echter enkel gemengde paren in aanmerking met beide spelers lid van de Federatie). Vul het volgende formulier in om deel te nemen (één formulier per team): : ***** Tournament registration is FREE and open to everyone TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE: Sunday 19/12 TOURNAMENT RULES: Swiss-style tournament with 3 rounds. Tie-breaker rules: Result mutual game, then average registration strength. REGISTERED PAIRS: Sven Cuyt (1D) - Gints Engelen (2k)
Belgian Rengo Championship12/06/2011 - 11:00 12/06/2011 - 19:00 Etc/GMT+1 /!\ The date has changed to 12th June (originally scheduled on 5th June)
Belgian Rengo Championship
Belgian Rengo Championship
Belgian Rengo ChampionshipThe tournament will take place on Sunday 17/12/2023IMPORTANT: if there is no a minimum of 4 pairs registered on 04/12/2023, the tournament coumd be canceled.In the Belgian Rengo Championship, teams of 2 players battle it out to become the Belgian Rengo Champions. Participation in this tournament is free, but participants have to be member of the Belgian Go Federation. Rules We will play with handicap -2. The rating of each pair is calculated as the average of the rating of the two players. Schedule Registration REGISTERED PAIRS: Address ... Older Results10. 2023 ![]() |