
Preliminaries Belgian championship 2021

A desappointing reduced number of participants (6 only ! ) took part in the 2021 preliminaries of the Belgian championship. Still the competition went very smoothly.
The 4 qualified players for the finals are: Lucman Bounoider (3d), Thomas Connor (4d), Alexandre Terefenko (6k) and Guillaume De Keijser (6k). Congratulations to them !

Complete results here:

PS: the already qualified players are: Lucas Neirynck (6d), François Gonze (4d), Sven Cuyt (1d) and Gints Engelen (2k).

5th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium makes a draw with Italy

On 05/02, Belgian team (Lucas Neirynck +, Lucman Bounoider +, Gabriel Mercier -, Sven Cuyt -) makes a draw against Italy.

This a good result as Italy is the leader team in B-league....but still: Belgium remains in last position.

Results of the round here:


Coming soon: 28/02: inauguration of the online Belgian Baduk Café (OBBC)

La Fédération Belge de Go et le club d’Ath ont le plaisir de vous annoncer l'ouverture du "Belgian Baduk Café" à partir du 28 février 2021

Le “Belgian Baduk Café” est un espace de rencontre en ligne sur Discord accessible à tout moment.

Le club d’Ath vous propose une activité tous les dimanches matin en période scolaire de 10h30 à 12h30 afin de passer un moment convivial.

Cliquez ici pour nous rejoindre:

Inauguration officielle le dimanche 28 février avec une séance spéciale de parties simultanées par des joueurs en “dan” belges ! (sur OGS)
(pas d'inscription préalable nécessaire...just be there !)


De Belgische Go Federatie en de club van Ath hebben het genoegen om de opening van het online Belgian Baduk Café aan te kondigen vanaf 28 Februari 2021

Het Belgian Baduk café zal als online ontmoetingsplaats op Discord te allen tijde toegankelijk zijn.

De club van Ath biedt in alle gezelligheid een activiteit aan elke zondagochtend van 10:30 tot 12:30 gedurende de schoolperiode.

Klik op deze link om in de Discord server te geraken:

Er zal een officiële inhuldiging plaatsvinden op zondag 28 februari, waar een speciale activiteit zal worden aangeboden: simultanepartijen met Belgische dan-spelers!(Geen inschrijving nodig… just be there!)
Voor deze activiteit (en meeste georganiseerde activiteiten) is een account op OGS ( vereist.

Kim Ouweleen (NL, 4d) wins in Leuven

Kim OUWELEEN (4d) from Netherlands won the 31th edition of the tournament of Leuven.
20 players participated in this on-line tournament.
Glenn Kjetil VASDAL (1d from...Norwegen) and Sven CUYT (BE, 1d) completed the podium.
Kim remained the only undefeated competitor.

Complete results

coming soon: Leuven tournament: 06/02 + 07/02 on line

Tournament format
Four rounds MacMahon (handicap -2 for players under 13k)
Games to be played in the Leuven room on KGS (Room List > Clubs > Leuven Go Club)
Timing: 1 hour per player + byo-yomi: 15 stones for 5 minutes
Komi: 6.5

To register send your name, club, country, rank, KGS-name and the days you want to play (saturday, sunday or both) to
No registration fee, no prizes

09.30 - Deadline of registration
10:00 - First Round
14:00 - Second Round

10:00 - Third Round
14.00 - Fourth Round

Practical info
All communication during the tournament, pairing and results will happen on the Discord page of the Leuven Go Club.
Those of you who don't have an account in Discord can apply for one by this link:

The black player is responsible for setting up the game on KGS
The winner is responsible to report the result, at last 30 minutes before the start of the next round

4th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium got his 1st point against a direct rival, Croatia

Belgian team (Jan Ramon -, Lucman Bounoider-, Gabriel Mercier +, Sven Cuyt +) made a draw against Croatia in the 4th round of the ETC.

Belgium remains at the last place in the B-league. :-(

Results of the round here:


Interclub Results 2020

The results of the 2020 interclub are in. We had 6 participating clubs this year Ath,Phénix, Hasselt, Gent, Leuven and Pantin. Leuven was ultimately victorious with Phénix and Hasselt in second and third place respectively.

Unfortunately we had to void a large number of matches because the players where not paying members of the federation. This had a large impact on the result, changing the final winner. Hopefully we can work to avoid this in future interclubs.

Detailed results can be found here

Kim Young-Sam wins unbeaten the 2nd Corona Cup

The 2nd edition of the Corona Cup was very successful: no less than 400 (!) players participated in this tournament, played on-line due to the Covid crisis (let us hope there will never be a 3rd edition ! ;-).

Like the 1st edition, organized during the 1st lock-down, the Korean ex-insei Kim Young-Sam (8-d) won unbeaten. He confirms more than ever his leading place in the European rating list.

Silver medal was Artem Kachanovski, who was the only top competitor with 5 wins.

Artem ended ahead of four players with 4 wins:
- Ilya Shikchin,
- Lucas Podpera (who organized the tournament),
- Anton Chernykh
- and Kim Seong-Jim (who was beaten by the the other Kim, but also, surprisingly enough, by a mere 5-d).

Our country fellow Lucas Neirynck ends 8th with a 3/6 score.

Complete results here:

General Assembly 2020: on line, Sunday 17/01 2 PM

The annual General Assembly of the Belgian Go Federation will be held on line on 17/01 at 2 PM

Please come with your enthusiasm and your projects to shape up the future of the Belgian go life !

If you wish to participate, send to us an e-mail to « » with your name.
You will then receive an invitational e-mail with a hyperlink to join the meeting (with “zoom”)

Agenda :
1. report on the 2020 activities (by the president) and financial report 2020 (by the treasurer)
2. projects for 2021 (and later) and adoption of the 2021 budget
3. election of the Board of Administration

3rd round of the European Team Championship: Belgium crushed by the Netherlands (0-4)

Things are going worse and worse for the Belgian team (Lucas, Lucman, Gabriel, Sven): our guys lost heavily to the Dutch team (0-4), despite the presence of our champion, Lucas Neirynck.
But Lucas was confronted to one of the European legendary player, Rob Van Zeijst (7-d) and lost.
And the 3 other games were imbalanced on paper, with three Dutch 6-dan opposed to our low dan Belgian guys.
(note: Gabriel wrote in the FaceBook page of the BGF ( that he and Lucman missed opportunities to win their game)

Belgium remains of course at the last place in the B-league. :-(

Results of the round here:
