
Coming soon (Sunday 15/12, 2 pm to 6 pm): the 2024 Belgian Championship of "quick" games, the only Belgian tournament on-line !

This is just a tournament for fun: a quick games (on-line) experience !

7 rounds swiss, or round-robin (everyone against everyone) if less than 8 participants
handicap - 2 (taking the last available rating in points rating into consideration; thus: rounded delta minus 200)
12 minutes + 10 seconds/move.

Registration form:

Conditions de participation - deelname voorwaarden
Etre membre de la Fédération Belge de Go. Inscription gratuite (remarque: seule une personne de nationalité belge peut être désignée "Champion de Belgique blitz").
Lid van de Belgische Go Federatie zijn. Geen inschrijvingskosten (opmerking: enkel personen die de Belgische nationaliteit hebben, kunnen "Belgisch Kampioen blitz" worden).

Coming soon (16/11): Hoshi Club tournament: a one-day tournament !

Hoshi Go Club tournament
Le Viaduc - 43 Rue du Viaduc - 1050 Bruxelles

16th November 2024
registration 10:00
first round 10:30
end of the tournament: 18:00

Rythm: 3 games, 45 min / 5 x 20 seconds japanese byo-yomi
Japanese rules
Handicap -2 on MMS until 5 Kyu / non handicap from 4 Kyu
Valid for Belgian and European ratings

Inscription via email (please mention : Name Firstname & Club & Level)

Coming soon: the 38th edition of the Brussels tournament: 26 + 27/10

Infos and registration:

Attention: the number of places are limited !

European Team Championship: join the Belgian team for season 2024-2025 !

Dear fellow Go players,

You have Belgian nationality,
You are member of the BGF
You are ready to play maximum one Tuesday evening (online) each month (more likely one game every 2 or 3 months) with players from all over Europe,
Then, please read further:

The European Team Championship, also known as the Pandanet League, is expected to restart in October.
We need minimum 6-8 Go players to build a Belgian team.
For each match, the team captain will constitute a team of 4 players who are free and eager to play, among the ones players selected at the beginning of the season.
Usually dan players are preferred but many times in the past, our kyu players were able to score victories against dan players and were the heros of the team!
Thus, don’t be shy and ask for being a team member whatever your level is !

Further information about Pandanet League here:

If you are interested, please send an email to info at before Friday 28th of September (deadline for registration of the Belgian team is 01/10 !).

Save the date / coming soon: 14th edition of Ghent Go Tournament 6th and 7th July 2024

On the first weekend of Juli, the 6th and 7th, the Gent Go Tournament will take place. You can register here.

Tournament set-up

System: 6 rounds MacMahon
Time limit: 45 min
Byo-yomi: 5*20 sec Japanese
Rules: Japanese
Komi: 6,5

More info

Save the date / coming soon: 34th tournament of Leuven (04+05/05)

Come and enjoy the tournament of Leuven !
More info and regsitration here:

Save the date / coming soon: 3rd edition of the tournament of "Brussels - le Pantin": 13+14/04

Third Pantin Tournament: April 13 & 14, 2024
Brussels go club Le Pantin is proud to announce its third tournament!

Tournament format
System: 4 rounds MacMahon
Time limit: 45 min
Byo-yomi: 5*20 sec
Rules: Japanese
Komi: 6,5
Handicap: -2

Results will be taken into account in the Belgian rating.
Please note that the tournament venue is a bar. It should be calm but we cannot guarantee it.

Registration and entry Fee
If you want to register, please email us to with your last name, first name, rank and club (if you have any). For your information, there will only be 20 places so be aware! The registration fee includes one free drink per day.

Registration AND payment until April 10: 5€
Registration from April 11: 10€

Payment preferably by cash but feel free to ask our bank account if this is easier for you.
If you wish to cancel your pre-registration before April 12, you will be fully refunded.

Please use the same email address ( for any questions.

Le Pantin
Chaussée d’Ixelles, 355
1050 Ixelles

Easily reachable by public transport from Central Station (bus 71) and Bruxelles-Midi Station (tram 81).

Saturday April 13
10:00 - 10:45 registration (and confirmation of pre-registrations)
11:00 round 1
13:30 - 15:00 break
15:00 round 2

Sunday April 14

11:00 round 3
13:30 - 15:00 break
15:00 round 4

Save the date: coming soon : 2024 Belgian championship preliminaries 24+25/02

Tournament to qualify 4 players for the final stage of the Belgian Championship
Players of all levels are welcome.
No registration fees but only for members of the Belgian Go Federation.
More info and registration form here:

Coming soon (Sunday 26/11 PM): Belgian blitz/quick games championship (on-line) (15 min pp)

More info and registration form:

Palmares (former winners and results of the previous editions):

coming soon: the 37th edition of the Brussels tournament (28+29/10)

!! The Brussels tournament is THE biggest tournament in Belgium !!!

Where ? In the premises of the Chinese-Belgium Association Av. Paul Deschanel 92, 1030 Schaerbeek - a very nice place 20 mn from the center of Brussels. (same place as last year)

Five rounds MacMahon without handicap; Timing: 1 hour per player + byo-yomi: 15 stones for 5 minutes; Komi: 6.5

NB: Christopher Anachachibi (2d) will be present to comment your game (free of charge).

More information:

Registration form:

!! Register as soon as you can: the premises of the tournament can host a maximum of 72 players !!

List of the registered players (as on 24th of October): 66 registrations, still 6 possible.

# Name Rank .
1 Adrien Mansy 25k .
2 Andreas Götzfried 4d .
3 Aveaux Matthieu 2 dan .
4 Baijot Eric 8K ok
5 Beguin Adam 16 kyu .
6 Ben Mehnert 7 Kyu ok
8 Bram Westhovens 4k ok
9 Brévière Lionel 5K ok
10 Cornel Burzo 6d ok
11 Daniel Maier 1k .
12 Didier Lesesvre 4k ok
13 Durbec Amélia 7k .
14 Emanuel de Jong 6 Kyu ok
15 Eon Serge 3k .
16 Filipe Vasconcelos 8k .
17 Frank Bernard 4k ok
18 Frank Segers 4k ok
19 French Daniel 5k .
20 Gaëtan de Menten 10k .
21 Geerlings Bert 3dan .
22 Gerry Gavigan 9 kyu .
23 Guillaume Léo 14K ok
24 Guillaume Roux 1d .
25 Guy Dusausoy 5k .
26 Hennebert Jean-Denis 5 kyu .
27 Henneric Audrey 5KYU ok
28 Jan Ramon 3D .
29 Jan van Loenen 1 dan ok
30 Jinming HE 3D ok
31 Joël Elsen 17Kyu ok
32 Jonathan Decembry 7k .
33 Joost Vannieuwenhuyse 2k .
34 Julien DARTIGUE 1Kyu .
35 Kampwart Ad 4 Dan .
36 Kenny Debacq 4 Kyu .
37 Léon Groenemeijer 3 kyu ok
38 Leplat Franck 2kyu ok
39 Lise Werquin 7k ok
40 Louis Baudaux 1 Kyu .
41 Malak Hayan 20k ok
42 Marina Kocheva 18k ok
43 NGUYEN Jeffrey 14Kyu .
44 Olivier Boas 2 dan .
45 PACUCCI Dominique 9k ok
46 Pascal Wezenberg 5 kyu .
47 Peter Hoeve 5k ok
48 Philippe Tranchida 2kyu .
49 Pittonet Jonathan 3 kyu .
50 Sergiu Dan Iugulescu 3 Dan .
51 Shiyan (Steven) Wang 5k .
52 Sven Cuyt 2d .
53 Terefenko Alexandre 5 kyu .
55 Thi Thu Huyen Tran 12k ok
56 Tom Van Doorsselaere 5k ok
57 Van Nyen Roel 2 Kyu ok
58 VANSCHOEBEKE Benoît 13k ok
59 Victor Schneider 1kyu ok
60 Voja Stojanvovic 5k ok
61 Xavier Baele 7 Kyu .
62 Xin Shu 5Dan ok
63 Yannick Kuy 5kyu .
64 Zihan Yan 6d ok
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