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AnnouncementComing soon: deadline registrations Belgian Go Master League (25/02) and Belgian Championship (27/02) !Deadline of the resgistration are coming nearer. So do not hesitate any longer: register yourself in the
Coming soon: Sunday 19/12: 2021 Belgian pair championshipChampionnat de Belgique de "rengo" ("pair") : en live, le dimanche 19 décembre Nous souhaitons ressusciter le championnat de Belgique de pair go dont la dernière édition remonte à 2011 ! **** Belgisch kampioenschap "rengo": live, zondag 19 december (georganiseerd onder voorbehoud) We willen het Belgisch kampioenschap pair go, waarvan de laatste editie dateert uit 2011 nieuw leven inblazen! ***** TOURNAMENT RULES: Tie-breaker rules: Result mutual game, then average registration strength. REGISTERED PAIRS: Sven Cuyt (1D) - Gints Engelen (2k)
Coming soon (Sunday 28/11 PM): 2022 Belgian blitz championshipHet Belgisch Kampioenschap Quick Play 2021 (15 minuten absolute bedenktijd; voorgift - 2) wordt online georganiseerd op 28/11 vanaf 14u. ***** Le championnat de Belgique 2021 de parties rapides (15 minutes de réflexion sans temps additionnel; handicap - 2) sera organisé en ligne le 28/11 à partir de 14h. **************** Practical information for the participants: The tournament will be played ON LINE on the OGS server and organized on Discord. Rules: PS:
coming soon: the 35th Brussels tournament 30-31/10We invite you to participate at the 35th Brussels Tournament which will take place on 30th & 31th October 2021.
Join the Belgian Team for the next Pandanet European Championship 2021/22 !Dear Belgian Go players, The next season of Pandanet Go European Team Championship start on mid-October. If you want to join the Belgian team, please send a message to "secretary at gofed dot be" with your first name, family name, rank and Pandanet User account (you can easily create one on Pandanet server: ). The 12 top ranked participants will be accepted in the team: with 7 players from last year already in, this leave 5 spots to fill ! Condition to be a member of the Team: You can contact Gabriel directly through KGS (search for "liusasori" in Belgian Room) or Facebook (on Belgian Go Federation group). Complete schedule will be send at the beginning of the season so I expect you to put it in your agenda and to free your Tuesdays evening :) This is a great opportunity to play against other European players without leaving your room ! Please read the info about the matches before season starts: With great expectations for this year (we have to come-back in B-league!).
coming soon (next WE): the 16 th Ghent tournament (on-line)It is still time to register !
last reminder: registration to the "Belgian Go League Master" (BGLM) 2nd cycle (deadline 06/06)The 1st round of the Belgium Go Master League (BGML) is over. Congratulations to Benjamin Demets, Antoine Hovelaque, Frank Segers, Gertjan Verhaeren, Guillaune Jouret and Eric Baijot who won their division. We are pleased to announce that this competition was a success. Indeed, almost all the games were played well. Thanks to all of you. This encourage us to continue this adventure. We invite you to register for the 2nd cycle before 6 june 2021 via this form: Do not hesitate to indicate your remarks and suggestions so that we can, as much as possible, take them into account. ----------------- De Belgian Go Master League (BGML) is een toernooi in ‘league’ formaat waar elke speler geplaatst wordt in een divisie van 5 spelers in functie van zijn officiële speelsterkte. Klik hier voor het reglement. *********************** Le “Belgian Go Master League” (BGML) est un tournoi de type league où chaque joueur est placé dans une division de 5 joueurs en fonction de son classement. Voici le réglement (cliquez ici) By MichaelSilcher at 25/05/2021 - 20:12 Tournaments 101 reads Calendar
9th (and last) round of the European Team Championship: Belgium lost to Sweden (1-3)...and is demoted to C-league ! :-(Belgian team (Lucas -, Jan - , Lucman -, Gabriel +) lost to a direct rival, Sweden 1-3. Results of the round here: FINAL standings: Note that in A-league, Russia, Poland, France and Ukraine (who ended in this order) are qualified for the final tour.
Europe Go News streaming / European Go Journal (new- monthly journal about Go)EUROPE GO NEWSAlready streaming for a half year. It contains: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN GO JOURNALIt's a new project that has just started in March 2021 (redactors: Artem Kachanovskyi & Kim Ouweleen) It will be published monthly and the content is of course about the game of Go. It is supported by the European Go Federation. The journal contains roughly 50 pages in A4 size and features the following topics: Distributed in digital and paperback forms. Prices: The first edition of the journal (February 2021) is free of charge. You can subscribe to the journal on Patreon: If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
coming soon: Leuven tournament: 06/02 + 07/02 on lineTournament format Registration Schedule Sunday Practical info The black player is responsible for setting up the game on KGS
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