
(multi-event) Hoshi Go Club - Bruxelles

19/09/2024 - 18:00
16/11/2024 - 23:55

Artist and go player Marc Buchy, in collaboration with Le Botanique, Komplot ASBL, Les Editions Extensibles and The Belgian Go Federation, presents its latest project : an ephemeral go club centered around the figure of Marcel Duchamp.

Set up at an Ixelles bar during two months, everybody is welcome to pass by to play, or take part in one of the several free events: free classes, Go-litterature evening, experimental Go-music evening, tournament...


Le Viaduc
43 Rue du Viaduc
1050 Ixelles
19 September - 17 November 2024, Tuesday-Saturday, from 5pm to midnight

Inauguration : 19th September, from 6pm
Reading event : 26th September, from 6pm
Musical event : 17th October, from 6pm
Tournament : 16th November, 10am-6pm --> see here: https://www.gofed.be/node/1454

Round 1 Results

Brussels Phénix-Antwerpen

Round Table Black White Handicap Result
Round 1 Table 1 De Keijser Guillaume (Phe) Vannieuwenhuyse Joost (Ant) 3 B
Round 1 Table 2 Van Herck Marcel (Ant) Kuy Yannick (Phe) 3 W
Round 1 Table 3 Tom Van Den Broeck (Ant) Baele Xavier (Phe) 6 B

Gents Go Genootschap-Leuven

Round Table Black White Handicap Result
Round 1 Table 1 Vanooteghem Midas (Leu) Vandenbon Bram (GGG) 6 W
Round 1 Table 2 Levrouw Lucas (Leu) Debacq Kenny (GGG) 3 W
Round 1 Table 3 forfait by GGG - - -

Coming soon: 37th edition of the Brussels Tournament (28+29/10)

28/10/2023 - 10:00
29/10/2023 - 16:59

!! The Brussels tournament is THE biggest tournament in Belgium !!!

Where ? In the premises of the Chinese-Belgium Association Av. Paul Deschanel 92, 1030 Schaerbeek - a very nice place 20 mn from the center of Brussels. (same place as last year)

More info: https://www.gofed.be/node/1402

GO CAMP ("stage fédéral") - Tilff - with Lucas Neirynck 6d and Thomas Connor 4d

22/09/2023 - 19:00
24/09/2023 - 17:17

Deadline registration: 11/09/2023 - extended until 13/09/2023

Our traditional Go camp will be organized in September at the same place as last year.

Auberge du Tilff Esplanade de l’Abeille, 9 4130 TILFF
The building is an 18th century farm-manor house that can host up to 50 people and is located at the heart of the Ourthe Valley in the Ardennes, not far from Liege/Chaudfontaine.
We can't show photos on this site but the place is very nice, so please look here: https://aubergedetilff.be/about-us/

As last year, our main instructor will be Lucas Neirynck 6d, 12 times Belgian Champion, with the help of Thomas Connor 4d.

Lessons will be in English.

Scheduled program
Friday : simultaneous games
Saturday and Sunday morning : Tsumegos and commented games
Saturday and Sunday afternoon: theoretical lessons and activity

A level above 20 kyu is advisable to fully benefit from the teachings. :)

From Friday 22 September (6 pm) to Sunday 24 September (6 pm)

All included: full pension (2 nights, all the meals, drinks, lessons by the instructors).
Participation fees: 100 € for the whole stay. 60 € for one-day stay (+ 20 € for the 2023 membership if you are still not a FBG member)
(only for BGF members, but membership fee - 20 € - can be paid with the registration)

Participation fees to transfer on the account of the BGF IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238.

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDINt5tVlE6bW2c0mHfkgeCSwLjMZH...

Note that you should bring your own bed sheets and towels!

Already registered (updated September 19 2023):
Vincent (registration ?)

Online lesson by Lucas Neirynck, 6-d, and 11 times Belgian champion

26/11/2022 - 14:30
26/11/2022 - 15:30

As usual, for this lesson, we will meet in the Belgian Room on KGS.
For Audio, we will use the Belgian Baduk Café Discord server.

This lesson is free of charge but only for Belgian Go Federation members.

Online lesson by Lucas Neirynck, 6-d, and 11 times Belgian champion

13/11/2022 - 14:30
13/11/2022 - 15:30

Lesson topic: How to reverse a game in yose

As usual, for this lesson, we will meet on the Belgian Room on KGS.
For Audio, we will use the Belgian Baduk Café Discord server.

This lesson is free of charge but only for Belgian Go Federation members.

***** European Go Congress 2019 ***** Bruxelles

19/07/2019 - 00:00
04/08/2019 - 23:59

The European Go Congress (EGC) with an entry of more 500 players is the biggest annual Go event in Europe,

It takes place in a different European city each year and this year it will be in Bruxelles !
Therefore it is also the biggest event organized for Go in Belgium ever.

It consists mainly of a 2-week open competition with various activities: championship, blitz games, pair-go, lectures...


Volunteering ? Just send mail to:

5th International Tournament of Strasbourg

25/05/2013 - 14:00
26/05/2013 - 18:00


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