
By winning the 2017 pro qualification tournament, Andreii Kravets (UA, 7d) becomes the new (6th) EGF pro

By winning the 2017 pro qualification tournament, Ukranian Andreii Kravets (7d) becomes the new (6th) EGF pro.

He defeated in final young Austrian Viktor Lin.

Andrii was one of the favorites: according to the EGF rating list, he is (...was !) the strongest European amateur player, and he had lost in the final last year to his compatriot Artem Kachanovskyi...

Congratulations to him !

Complete results:

The big surprise was the young Oscar Vasquez from Spain, who reached the 1/4 finals. Oscar had climbed from 2-d to 4-d after few month training in China. He is just 14 years old !

Read the report by EGF here:

Bram Vandenbon (2d) wins in Ghent

Bram Vandenbon is the winner of the 2017 edition of the Gentse Go Toernoi (he was already holding the title). There were 13 participants.
Please note the surprising victory of Joost (2k) on Dominique (2d).

Here are the results:

Jefferson Huang (aka: Huang Yong-Sen) (3d) wins in Antwerpen

In Antwerpen, Jefferson Huang (3d), back in the official Belgian go life and who had won the 1st edition in 2008, emerged from a field of 8 (a somewhat desappointing figure) players.

Still, M. Huang was defeated by Laurens Teirlinck ("8-k") with 8 handicap stones. Laurens, whose progression is constant, was the only competitor who remained unbeaten.

Complete results here:

Alexander Dinerstein wins 9th Kido Cup

Alexander Dinerstein (RU, 3p) won the 9th Kido Cup in Hamburg, with just one defeat, just like Pavol Lisy (Sk, 1p). But Alexander has won their encounter.

Complete results:

Note that none of the three 6d amateurs could beat a pro..

Chinese Bai BaoXiang once again best amateur in the world (38th World Amateur Championship)

Chinese Bai from China remained undefeated (8 out of 8) like last year, and is thus definitively the best amateur in the world.

There were no competitor with 7 victories, but 8 with 6.

On basis of SOS tiebreaker, Lee Sangbin (South Korea) ended 2nd and Lai Yu Cheng (C. Taipei) 3rd (despite having been beaten by Lukas Podpera from Czechia).

Best caucasian player was: Daniel Ko (USA) (#4)
Best European was: Cornel Burzo (RO) (#7).

Note the participation of a North Korean competitor (#6), who did well but was rather unfortunate: he lost by 0,5 pt a long time winning game against Lee from South Korea (!) and he gave a hard time to Bai, losing to him by 1,5 pt).

There was no Belgian representative this year.

More info here:

European Team Championship: Belgium lost the test-match against Norway and is demoted to C-class :-(

Belgian team had to win a test-match against Norway to maintain itself in B-league (cf.

Unfortunately, our team lost - by a hair's breadth (2-3) so that next year Belgium will play in C-league. :-(

Lucas and Nelis won, but François, Kwinten and Gabriel lost.

Here are the completed results:

AlphaGo retires from competition after humiliating humankind !

As expected, during the AI summit in Wuzhen (cf., AlphaGo (AG) swept all its human opponents: Ke Jie, the best player in the word (3-0 !) and the team composed by 5 top Chinese professional (1-0).

Unexpected was the announcement by DeepMind that this games were the last ones AG had played and that they hence turn their interest to other domains than go...(the question "how many handicap stones a top pro would need to beat it" will thus remains open! :-(

DeepMind won't (unfortunately) communicate AG's program, but they will publish an article in "Nature" (a famous scientific review).

They also have released 50 games played by AG against itself...

Most of them are full of creative/ strange moves...In this video, Hwang In-seong (8d) showed the revolution in the way of thinking AG has brought (high level,in English!):

More info here:

Many articles were published during this event:

among dozens of them:

A extended press review (in French):

Results of the 7th season of the European team championship (2016-2017)

The European team championship season 2016-2017 is over, expect
the deciding matches between league borderline teams, and the grand finals in the European Go Congress 2017 Oberhof, Germany.

Final standings:

The top teams qualified for the Pandanet Go European Team Championship Finals 2017 are: Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Hungary. The finals will be played in Oberhof, on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd July 2017.

This year Finland will drop out from the League A to the League B and Poland will join the League A as the winner of the League B. Germany and Italy will play the A/B deciding match 30th May.
This year’s two bottom teams in the League B – Slovakia and Croatia – will drop out to the League C directly, and the third one – Belgium – will play a deciding match with the League C winner Norway.
Iceland will move to the League D and the teams of Slovenia and Georgia will play the deciding match about the place in the League C.

11th (and last round) of the European Team Championship: Belgium - Slovakia 2-2 --> Belgium in a test match

15/05: despite presenting the probably best team possible (Gerald Westhoff 6d; Lucas Neirynck 5d; François Gonze 4d; Jan Ramon 4d), Belgian team did not manage to do better than a draw against our direct competitor, Slovakia.

And still, we had to win this match as to avoid to match a test-match against the winner of the C-league (Norway)to determine whether we'll still play in B-league next year of be demoted to the C-league.

True, the mission was difficult because the Slovakian best player being Pavol Lisy, a professional player (who defeated as expected Gerald), the Belgians had to win on all the 3 other boards.

And this nearly happened: Lucas and Jan won...
Unfortunately, François a small margin (3,5 pts)...

Now, Belgium had to overcome Norway on 30/05...otherwise we play in C-league the next season !
Let's cross our fingers !...

Complete results of the round:

Final standings:

Lucman Bounoider (2d) is 2017 Belgian blitz champion

It is pity: there were just 4 participants in this 2017 edition of the Belgian championship of quick games (15 min pp.). -(

Lucman Bounoider (2d) remained indeafed and is the new Belgian blitz champion, ahead of Michael Silcher (5k) (2/3), young Louis Baudaux (6k) (1/3) and Jean-Denis Hennebert (5k) (0/3).

Hopefully, more people will participate next year in this fun tournament...

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