
Victor Schneider (2-k) won the 13th edition of the Gent tournament

Victor Schneider (2-k) won the 13th edition of the Gent tournament, with a perfect 6/6 score.
He surprisingly won 2 times against favourite Bram Vandenbon (2-d), who ended 2nd.
As they were only 4 participants (a desappointing figure !), the tournament was played in the form of a 2 rounds round robin.

Results here:

Mateusz Surma (2-p) wins the 6th European professional championship

Mateusz Surma (2-p) wins the 6th European professional championship by beating in final the Finnish Anti Törmannen (1-p in the Nihon Ki-in).
Ali Jabarin (2-p) won the "small final" for the 3rd place against Stanislaw Frejlak (1-p).
The Russian pros (Ilya Shikchine and Alexander Dinerstein) were not allowed to participate.

Complete results here:

Lucas Neirynck, champion of Belgium 2023 !

On 18/06, Lucas Neirynck got (as expected) his 12th (!) title of Belgian champion (in 13 participations. Since his 1st participation in a Belgian Championship - in 2009 - Lucas won 116 games out of 122 and has not lost any game since 2016) !).
He won the final against Thomas Connor (4-d).
Jan Ramon beat Victor Schneider in the "little final" to got the bronze medail.

Last year's winner, Huang Yong Sen, ended at (desappointing) 6th place.

Here are the complete results, standings...and a video of 2 commented games by Christopher Annachachibi (2-d):

You can also find the SGF file on OGS here:
- Semi-final Jan-Thomas:
- Final Thomas-Lucas:

9th (and last) round of the European Team championship: Belgium crushed by Germany (0-4) (but stays in B-league)

Belgian team (Lucas, Jan, Gabriel, Victor) lost heavily (0-4) to the leader, Germany in the 9th (and last) round.
(Lucas lost by 1,5 against Jonas Welticke (7-d).

Anyway, this encounter has no any stake: Germany was sure to end 1st (and to climb next season in A-league) and Belgium was certain to stay in B-league, whatever the result would be.

Finaly, Belgium ends 6th out of 10 teams.

Complet results of the round here:

Definitive standings here: Standing:

8th round of the European Team championship: Belgium beats Lituania (3-1)

In May (02/05), Belgium beat Lituania (3-1).
Lucas, Jan and Gabriel won, but Gints lost (against a stronger opponent).

Complete results here:

It remains only one round to play. With this victory, Belgium climbed to the 6th place place (out of the 10 teams in the B-league) with 7 points and is ensured to stay in B-league in the next season.

Koichiro Habu, the Japanese from Poland, wins in Leuven

Koichiro Habu, a Japanese 5-d player living in Poland, won the 33rd edition of the Leuven tournament, with 4/5, ahead on tie-break on German 3-d Lukas Wandelt, 2nd.
Jan Ramon (4-d) completeted the podium with a 3/5 score.
Marcel Van Herck (8-k) was the only other player with 4/5.
There were 23 participants (a litlle desappointing figure).
Completed results here:

7th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium made a draw with Croatia (2-2)

In April, Belgium team made a draw with Croatia. Lucas and Gabriel won (Gabriel against a 4-d opponent !), but Gints and Renaud lost against stronger opponents.

Complete results here:

It remains 2 rounds to play. Belgium is still 8th out of the 10 teams in the B-league, just above the "risk zone"
(the team which ends 10th is automatically demoted to C-league, the team which ends 9th plays against the 2nd of the C-league).

6th round of the European team championship: Belgium made a draw against South Africa (no quite situated in Europe, but ok) 2-2

Belgian team made a draw against South Africa in the 6th (out of the 9) round of the ETGC.

Lucas Neirynck surprisingly lost against a "mere" 3-d, Lucman Bounoider won, so did Gabriel Mercier and Renaud Gaban lost by some points to a 1-k.

Complete results here:

Belgian team is still 8th out of 10 teams in the B-league:

5th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium made a draw against Turkey

On 07/02, a partly new Belgian team with 2 new faces, made a draw against Turkey:

Lucas Neirynck (6-d) won against Franco-Turkish Denis Karadaban (5-d).
Gabriel Mercier (2-d) lost to a 3-d.
as did Renaud Gaban (2-k) - who played for the 1st time in the European Team Championship - against another 3-d.
Another new face in Belgian team, Victor Schneider (3-k) realized a great feat by beating his 2-d opponent ! Congratulations to him !

Complete results here:

Belgian team is still 8th out of 10 teams in the B-league:

Stanislaw Frejlak (PL, 1-p) wins the 6th European Grand Prix Final; Lucas Neirynck (BE, 6-d) finalist !

Lucas Neirynck realized a great achievement in the 6th European Grand Prix Final organized in Grenoble: he reached the final, wherein he lost against the Polish professional Stanislaw Frejlak (Lucas had won against him in the preliminaries rounds).
The young Italian rising star Davide Bernardis (IT, 5-d) beat Lukas Podpera (CZ, 7-d) in the small" final for the 3rd place.

More info :

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