
Belgian Rengo Championship

Daniel French and Christopher Annachachibi won the Belgian Rengo Championship.

The second pair was Simon Pin and David Khatchaturian and the third pair was Charlotte Frenkel and Emmanuel Mathis.

Full result will follow

Preliminaries Belgian Championship 2010

The full results of the Preliminaries For Belgian Championship 2010 are available here

The first five players qualified for the final are:

  • François Gonze
  • Chi-Yiu Wong
  • Kwinten Missiaen
  • Michael Meeschaert
  • Yue Wang

Pictures of the preliminaries are available here

Cosmic League Period 2 Round 2

Here are the results of the second game of this Cosmic edition (played on sunday 01/11). The first named had Black.

Thomas Connor - Kwinten Missiaen : 0-1
David Khatchaturian - Kevin Prist : 0-1
Linh Nguyen - Gwennaëlle de Crombrugghe : 0-1

Bye : Dennis Vercammen.

There were 7 players.
See you next sunday!

Belgian Championship 2009

Full results of the Belgian Championship 2009 are now available here.

All broadcasted games are also available in the members' section.

Pl. Name Str.
1. Neirynck Lucas 2d
2. Ramon Jan 4d
3. Wettach Alain 4d
4. Beyens Pieter 3d
5. Annachachibi Christopher 2k
6. Wang Yue 1d
7. Huang Yong Sen 3d
8. Vets Nelis 2d
9. Bossee Kristof 1k
10. Meeschaert Michael 1d

Belgian Championship 2009

Lucas Neirynck (right on the photo) is the new Belgian champion. He won all his games. Jan Ramon ended second with just one defeat against Neirynck.
Full results later.

Intermediate results.

Games of the first weekend are available in the members' section.


2nd Antwerp Go Tournament

Andreas Drost (4d) wins the 2nd Antwerp Go Tournament with 5 victories, followed by Tom Croonenborghs (1d) and Huang Yong Sen (3d).

Full Result

You can find pictures here.

Cosmic Go League Period 1 Round 3

Here are the results of the 3rd round of our League. The first named had white.

Lucas Neirynck - Olivier Drouot : 1-0
Thomas Connor - François Gonze : 0-1
Daniel French - Kevin Prist : 0-1
Kevin Annachachibi - Aron Safran : 1-0
Cédric Duvinage - Juliette Brault : 0-1

Christopher Annachachibi was very fair-play and propose himself to be
bye this round because there was an odd number of players.

So far, 25 players have participated in the tournament, which is a
great success (there are 89 players in the rating list)!

See you next time!

Thomas Connor

Belgian Blitz Championship

This year the Belgian Blitz Championship gathered 16 people around the boards for a high-frequence series of games (7 games in 5 hours). Unexpectedly, brownies didn't show up: they were kept for the next Cosmic League round, of course.

However spring was calling us outside, the atmosphere was really good inside.
The 2009 Blitz Champion is Lucas Neirynck: he collected victories and only him could beat Christopher Annachachibi, who is thus second.

See you next year !

Full result.

You can find pictures here.

Cosmic Go League Period 1 Round 1

Here are the results of the first game of this first edition of the Cosmic Go League: (the first named had White)

  1. Connor Thomas - Vanborm Hicham : 1-0
  2. Gonze François - Annachachibi Christopher : 1-0
  3. Neirynck Lucas - Fain Simon : 0-1
  4. Missiaen Kwinten - Safran Aron : 1-0
  5. Tolmatchef Frédéric - Annachachibi Kevin : 0-1
  6. Malef Dimitris - Lucke André : 1-0
  7. Prist Kevin - Ver Hoeye Martin : 1-0

bye: Duvernoy Jean-François (which is now sure of playing the next 5 games)

The games were played on 15th March at Outpost.

I hope we'll be at least 20 in two weeks (29th March), there might be chocolate brownies =)

Jan Ramon wins 19th Leuven Tournament

Local player and co-organiser Jan Ramon (4D) has won the 19th edition of the Leuven Go Tournament. He was just a few SOSOS points ahead of François Gonze (Louvain-La-Neuve,2D) who defeated in the last round T.Mark Hall (UK,4D). Hall finished on rang 3. There was also a good result for Kwinten Missiaen (5/5), and Marie Jemine, Vincent Lochen, Kenny Debacq, Maarten Fabré and Laure Lambaerts (4/5).

Full results

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