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ResultsBelgian Championship 2009
Games of the first weekend are available in the members' section.
2nd Antwerp Go Tournament
You can find pictures here.
Cosmic Go League Period 1 Round 3Here are the results of the 3rd round of our League. The first named had white. Lucas Neirynck - Olivier Drouot : 1-0 Christopher Annachachibi was very fair-play and propose himself to be So far, 25 players have participated in the tournament, which is a See you next time! Thomas Connor
Belgian Blitz Championship
However spring was calling us outside, the atmosphere was really good inside. See you next year ! You can find pictures here.
Cosmic Go League Period 1 Round 1
bye: Duvernoy Jean-François (which is now sure of playing the next 5 games) The games were played on 15th March at Outpost. I hope we'll be at least 20 in two weeks (29th March), there might be chocolate brownies =)
Jan Ramon wins 19th Leuven TournamentLocal player and co-organiser Jan Ramon (4D) has won the 19th edition of the Leuven Go Tournament. He was just a few SOSOS points ahead of François Gonze (Louvain-La-Neuve,2D) who defeated in the last round T.Mark Hall (UK,4D). Hall finished on rang 3. There was also a good result for Kwinten Missiaen (5/5), and Marie Jemine, Vincent Lochen, Kenny Debacq, Maarten Fabré and Laure Lambaerts (4/5).
Interclubs Tournament 2008 complete resultsThe season 2008 of interclubs is over. The clubs of Antwerp, Le Chaff, Ghent, Leuven, Namur and Le pantin fought for the title, which was won by the Namur Go club. Congratulations! 53 interclub games were played. The interclubs proved to be still very popular; many players took part in three rounds or more. Some players deserve a special mention : Kenny Debacq, Kris Van Bael and Kris Boyen played in all rounds. Thanks to all captains and club members for their commitment. Hope to see all of you for the season 2009! Results :
Belgian championship preliminaries 2009Full results of the preliminaries of the Belgian championship are now available here.
Korean Prime Minister CupFrançois Gonze, the Belgian representative in the Korean Prime Minister Cup, played a good tournament and finished with 4 points out of 8 games. He earned himself the 31th place (68 players) and scored victories over a 4D and a 5D. The tournament was won by the Taiwanese representative Chien Li Chen (7/8), who is just 12 years old ! He had a better SOS-score than the Korean Lee Sang Hun and the Chinese player Zhao Wei, both also on 7/8. Best European was Ondrej Silt (CZ,6D). Complete results on
14th Louvain-La-Neuve TournamentLucas Neirynk won the 14th Louvain-La-Neuve Tournament with 4 victories. Full results are available here
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