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Results1st Pandanet European Championship: results of the 4th roundUnfortunately, once again, the strengh difference proved to be too great: Belgium lost 0-4 to Danemark in the 4th round (played 25/01/11)... Results here: Despite the fact that no Belgian player has lost against a (on paper) weaker opponent up till now, Belgium has only 2 points after the 4 first rounds...(looks like typical Belgian Eurovision score, isn'it ?! :-)
First Pandanet European Team Championship: Result of the 3rd RoundBeligum - Poland 0-4
Final Results of the Interclubs 2010- Pantin got last place with 2 points, having played only two rounds (despite being by far the largest club in Belgium !) Congratulations to Leuven ! The trophy, currently held be Namur, will now go to Leuven.
1st Pandanet European Team Championship: result of the 2nd round
Belgium lost 1-3 to United Kingdom, who was average +/- 3 stones/levels stronger. Complete results here:
1st Pandanet European Team Championship: results of the 1st roundIsrael – Belgium 3-1
Belgian Championship 2011 (Preliminaries)The Preliminaries of the 2011 Belgian Championship were held this week-end in Brussels. We can notice the outstanding results of Kevin Prist who won the first place. Congratulations to all the 20 players! Five best players: They will play the final tour (5th, 6th, 19th and 20th March 2011) against the five first finalists of 2010: Jan Ramon, François Gonze, Alain Wettach, Thomas Connor and Kwinten Missiaen.
The 5th Korea Prime Minister CupLee Sang Hun 7d from Korea won the KPMC with by winning all his games (7 wins)! He is follow by Yoshiyuki Tsuchimune 7d from Japan with 6 wins and Hu Yuqing 8d from China with 6 wins. Nelis Vets is 49th with 3 wins.
25th Brussels TournamentSeokBin CHO (K, 7-d) won undefeated the Brussels Tournament 2010. Runners-up are Csaba MERO (HU, 6d; 4/5) ) and Kyoungnang KANG (KOR, 7-d; 3/5) Full results.
Youth and Student Belgian Championship 2010Kevin Prist won the tournament in the student category and Kevin Annachachibi in the youth category. Full results are available here.
Antwerp Tournament24 players (including 9 dan players) both from Belgium, Netherlands, France and England took part in the Tournament. Lucas Neirynck won the tournament with 5 victories, followed by Andreas Drost with 4 victories and two players at the third place, Y.S. Huang and Pieter Beyens. We can also mention the good result of Anousone Phaysomphot with 5 victories. Full results are available here.
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