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News6th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium - Netherlands 0-4No miracle: Belgium has been (rather logically according to the rankings) crushed by Netherlands 0-4... Complete results here: Standings after 6 out of the 9 rounds:
5th round of the European Team Championship: Belgium - Germany 1-3Belgium lost, once again with 1-3, this time against Germany. François succeeded in winning his game, but it was not enough... Complete results of the round here: Present standings:
Ilya Chikchine wins 1st internet European baduk championshipIlya Chikchine (7-d, Rus, 23 years old) won the 1st Internet Baduk Championship with a 7-1 score, ahead of rising star Pavol Lisy (7-d, SK, 18 years old). Pavol (who was the only competitor to have beaten Ilya) made 5-2. So did The reigning European champion, frenchman Fan Hui (2-p), who got the Bronze medail. Complete result here:
Change of playing site of the go club Le Pantin on saturday 15 FebruaryNext saturday (15 February), the go club Le Pantin will meet at l'Eau Chaude/ Het Warm Water, Rue des Renards n°25, 1000 Bxl (between Place du Jeu de Balle and Rue Haute). Map :
Leuven 2014François Gonze ( 3D, Louvain-la-Neuve) has won the 24th edition of the Leuven Go Tournament. Gonze won all his games, a good general rehearsel for the upcoming Belgian Championship in March. Second place with 4/5 was for local player Nelis Vets (2D). Kwinten Missiaen (3D), also from Leuven took third place with 3/5. Scoring 4/5 were Steve De Clerq (Antwerp, 6k) and Steven Foulon (Leuven, 12k). There were 22 participants.
4th round European Team Championship: Belgium - Austria 1-3Despite another great performance by Lucas, who defeated one of European top player, young Victor Lin, Belgium lost to Austria. Belgium stands now 7th (out of the 10 teams in the B-league) Complete results here: Standings: PS: note the victory of Ukraine on Russia...4-0 in A-league! (interestingly linked to the present events :-)
Who is the strongest player in the world ? A jubango between the top 2 world players to find out !By now, Gu Li (China) and Lee SeTol (Korea) are commonly considered as the 2 best players in the world. More info here:
The 1st European Internet (WBaduk) Championship with the top 8 European playersFor your information: the very best European players (all are pro or 7-dan) will play an internet tournament every Monday and Thursday at 7 PM between 23/01 and 13/02...
Preliminaries of the Belgian Championship 2014Only 4 players participated in the preliminaries of the Belgian championship 2014 ! Thus of course, all are qualified for the finals: As a 5th player was missing (!), the Board decided to invite the best non-qualified finisher of the Belgian Finals of 2013. According to this decision, WONG Chi-Yiu (who had ended 9th in the finals last year) is also qualified.
3rd round of the European Team Championship: Belgium - Slovakia 2-2In the 3rd round of the European Team Championship, Belgium (composed this time by Lucas, Jan , Nelis and Dominique) made draw against Slovakia. Complete results of the 3rd round: After 3 of the 9 rounds, Belgium is in the middle of the standings of the B-league Standing after 3 rounds: