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NewsPreliminaries Belgian Championship 2013There were 13 participants. 1. François GONZE - 4d - 7/7 6. Kris BOYEN - 4k - 4 - 26 SOS-1 Complete results will follow later
Results of the 7th Korean Prime Minister CupKwinten Missaen, 2-d, our representative in the 7th Korea Prime Minister Cup ended 24th in a field of 70 participants. Here are the complete results: and here, you can read some interesting interviews of some European top players:
Belgian blitz (rapid games) championship 2012: 11/11Dominik Versyk (1-d) is Belgian Blitz champion "for one more year". Here are the complete results: 1. Dominik Versyck, 1-d, 6/7
Archive BelgoAll issues of our quarterly review "Belgo" (which was published between 1985 and 2008) are now freely available in pdf format here:
Pavol Lisy wins 27th Brussels TournamentThe Brussels tournament was won by Pavol Lisy ahead of Ondrej Silt, Lluis Oh and Pal Balogh, all 6-dan.See the full results À word about the winner: Pavol Lisy, 6-Dan from Slovakia, is just 17 years old. He ended 3rd in the last European Go Championship. In 2010-11, he climbed from 1st Kyu to 5 Dan in 18 months !
ETGC 2nd round: Belgium - Switerland 4-0 !On October 11th-12th, Belgium won against Switzerland the second round in the European Team Go Championship. Read the report of captain Nelis.
06/10 + 07/10: youth and student Belgian championship CANCELLEDDue to the low number of players registrered (only one!) to the Youth and Student Belgian Championship, it has been cancelled. The Student champion title has been attributed to Thomas Connor, the only registrered player.
Go Camp 2012Despite the low number of participants, the Belgian Go Camp was a real succes this year. You can read a report made by Semi Lee here. Thank you for your participation!
The 1st Belgian 5-d ever: Lucas NeirynckThanks to 4 consecutive victories against Dutch 5-d players in the tournament of Delft (that he won undefeaded) last WE, Lucas reached 413 points our national rating. This means he becomes the first Belgian 5-d ever ! Congratulations to him ! Just for the record: the 1st Belgian...
2nd World Mind Sports Games (in Lille)The 2nd World Mind Sports Games occured from 13/08 to 23/08 in Lille/Rijssel. 1st edition was organised in Beijing in it was a bit closer this time :-) Belgium had one competitor in the individual men competition (13 to 16/08), Lucas Neirynck (4-d), and one team in the team competition (from 17 to 19/08): Benjamin Gigot (3-d), Bram Vandenbon (1-d), Kristof Bossee (1-d) RESULTS: Lucas made 2/5: defeats face to a representitive of Macau (5-d), of Japan (6-d) and of Netherlands (6-d); victories against an Austrian (a young 4-d, who made 4/5) and an USA (6-d !). Gold medal is a Taïwanese, Lai Yu Cheng (7-d) (the best 4 are from Taïwan) Our team made 2/5: Gold medal: the Taïwanese team: no wonder: the 3 players in this team were the podium in the "individual man championship :-) Another important competition was organised during these 2nd WMSG: the European qualification tournament for the 2nd Sport ACCORD Mind Sport Games (don't be confused !), which will take place in December 2012 in Beijin. This time, Ilya Chikchin (RU, 7-d) made honor to his stature of favourite and was unbeaten winner, ahead of Csaba Merö (HU, 6-d), who lost only against Ilya. Jan Hora (CZ, 6-d) was the lucky one among the 3 competitors with 3 victories (the 2 others being Pavol Lisy and Remi Campanie). Complete results here, with also women, pair, youth,...championships (without any Belgian representatives):