
Belgian Rengo Championship 17/05/2008

The tournament was won by

  1. Leen Willaert and Jan Ramon
  2. Seung Hee Hong and Benjamin Gigot
  3. vincent Lochen and Anhony Mariotti

More information here

BelgoNet 17

BelgoNet 17 is now available in the member section.


results interclub round 1

Antwerpen Pantin 1-3
Namur Gent 2-2
Le Chaff Leuven 3-1

A strong start for Brussels, but nothing has been decided yet !

Belgian Blitz Championship 2008

Young rising star Simon Fain, 1-d, became Belgian champion of quick games 2008, just ahead of another promising young shodan, Lucas Neyrinck.

There were 18 competitors.

Complete results.

Belgo 83

After an absence of (nearly) one year, Belgo strikes back !

You can now read the new issue of Belgo in the members section :-)
Enjoy it !

Reminder: to access to the member section, you need a login, given to
you by your club responsible when you become member.

NB: you may also receive it freely on paper format by sending a demand
to before 15th of May.

Members section

BelgoNet 12 -> 15 are available in the BelgoNet section.

Belgian Championship finals 2008 : new games were added in the Games section

Belgian Go Federation helps you to pay KGS+ subscription !

Only 4,60€ for a trimester of lessons with the best teachers of Go world ? Is it a joke ? No ! Cliquez ici pour plus d'infos - Klik hier voor meer informatie - Click here for more info.

Remind : 1st Antwerp Go Tournament

26/27 April the Antwerp Go Club organises its first Open Tournament on the same location as the preliminaries of the Belgian Championship.
More information here.

You can register online here.


BelgoNet 1 -> 11 are now available in the member section.

Reports page

The reports page is now available for members. It contains the report of board and general assembly.