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NewsBelgoNetBelgoNet 1 -> 11 are now available in the member section.
Reports pageThe reports page is now available for members. It contains the report of board and general assembly.
Belgian Championship finals 2008Jan Ramon won the Belgian Championship ahead of Alain Wettach and Nelis Vets.
1st Antwerp Go Tournament
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Belgian Championship finals 2008On March 1st and March 2nd, the first 5 rounds of the Belgian Championship were played. More details... The last four rounds will be played in two weeks (14-15/3). More details will follow.
18th Leuven tournamentThe photographs of the 18th Leuven tournament are now available in the galleries
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18th Leuven tournamentThe 18th Leuven tournament was won by Say Boon Ng before Nelis Vets and Jan Ramon. Read more
The 4th European Go Oza Title MatchJan Ramon represented Belgium for The 4th European Go Oza Title Match which was held from 31 January to 3 February in Amsterdam. He scored 2/4, beating one 5-dan. You can find the results here: The 3 European representative in the next world Oza cup will be: Alexander Dinerstein, RU, 3-p Ilya Shikchin, RU, 7-d Cristian Pop, RO, 7-d
Mind sport games in ChinaColocated with the Olympic games, the World mind sport games will be organised in China, including Go as a discipline. Click for more info on Belgian delegation.