
Andreii Kravets, European champion 2023

The European Championship is tradionally organized during the European Go Congress (this year in Leipzig).

The 32 best European players play a knock-out tournament (with 2 "lives", till the quarters of finals) to determine the European champion.

In a 5-hour final against Ali Jabarin 2p, Andrii Kravets 1p emerged victorious.

Andrii is Ukranian, 32 years old from Ukraine and playing as a pro since 2017.

In the small final, Ashe (ex-Oscar) Vázquez 7d beat Fredrik Blomback 7d to take the bronze-medal position.

Link to the describing article here:

Here are the complete results of the European championship:

Note that "our" Lucas Neirynck lost in the 1st round (1/16 of finals) of the main section to Csaba Merö (HU, 6-d) and then in the 1st round of the loser's section to Martin Ruzicka (CZ, 5-d).:-(


The open European championship has been overwhelmingly dominated by Asiatic players, who trusted the 8 first places...with the exception of Dominik Boviz who succeeded in beating among others Kim Daehwi, the silver medail and ended on the podium
1 Ryu, Insu kr 7 Dan 10/10
2 Daehwi, Kim kr 7 Dan 8
3 Boviz, Dominik hu 6 Dan 8 (wins against Xiao and Daehwi !)
4 Yang, Yaoling uk 7 Dan 7
5 Jeong, Jiwoo kr 7 Dan 7
6 Park, Junghun kr 7 Dan 6 (won the WE tournament with 5/5)
7 Xiao, Yicheng uk 6 Dan 6 (2nd in the WE tournament with 4/5)
8 Kim, Dohyup kr 7 Dan 6 (3rd in the WE tournament with 4/5)

There were 671 participants, among whom 5 Belgian:
Bram Westhovens (7-k) got 9 out of 10 in the main tournament and ....5/5 in the WE tournament (thus a splendid 14/15 !) . Congratulations to him !
Yvan Nollet (5-k) got 2/3 in the main tournament and 2/2 in the WE tournament
Frank Segers (4-k) got 1/5 in the main tournament (and did not participate in the WE tournament)
Lucas Levrouw (10-k) got 2/5 in the main tournament and in the WE tournament
Lucas Neirynck (6-d) got 2/5 in the main and in the WE tournament

Here are the complete results of the open European championship:

11/09 : deadline registration for the federal WE: from Friday 22/09 6 pm to Sunday 24/09 6 pm

Our traditional Go camp will be organised in September at the same place as last year.
Our main instructor will be Lucas Neirynck 6d, 12 times Belgian Champion, with the help of Thomas Connor 4d.

Lessons will be in English (a level above 20 kyu is advisable to fully benefit from the teachings).

From Friday December 22/09 (6 pm) to Sunday 24/09 (6 pm)

Participation fees will be soon determined to be transferred on the account of the BGF IBAN: BE24 7755 9621 2238.
All included: full pension (2 nights, all the meals, drinks, lessons by the instructors).
Participation fees: 100 € for the whole stay (60 € for one-day stay)
(only for BGF members, but membership fee - 20 € - can be paid with the registration)

Auberge du Tilff Esplanade de l’Abeille, 9 4130 TILFF
The building is an 18th century farm-manor house that can host up to 50 people and is located at the heart of the Ourthe Valley in the Ardennes, not far from Liege/Chaudfontaine.

Note that you should bring your own bedsheets and towels!

Registration form:

Deadline registration: 11/09/2023

Provisional program
Friday: evening: tsumego contest (30 mn chrono)
Saturday: morning: games and commentaries; afternoon: theory lesson and small tournament
Sunday: morning: grouped games and commentaries, afternoon: theory lesson and extra recreative Go activity

Victor Schneider (2-k) won the 13th edition of the Gent tournament

Victor Schneider (2-k) won the 13th edition of the Gent tournament, with a perfect 6/6 score.
He surprisingly won 2 times against favourite Bram Vandenbon (2-d), who ended 2nd.
As they were only 4 participants (a desappointing figure !), the tournament was played in the form of a 2 rounds round robin.

Results here:

Mateusz Surma (2-p) wins the 6th European professional championship

Mateusz Surma (2-p) wins the 6th European professional championship by beating in final the Finnish Anti Törmannen (1-p in the Nihon Ki-in).
Ali Jabarin (2-p) won the "small final" for the 3rd place against Stanislaw Frejlak (1-p).
The Russian pros (Ilya Shikchine and Alexander Dinerstein) were not allowed to participate.

Complete results here:

Lucas Neirynck, champion of Belgium 2023 !

On 18/06, Lucas Neirynck got (as expected) his 12th (!) title of Belgian champion (in 13 participations. Since his 1st participation in a Belgian Championship - in 2009 - Lucas won 116 games out of 122 and has not lost any game since 2016) !).
He won the final against Thomas Connor (4-d).
Jan Ramon beat Victor Schneider in the "little final" to got the bronze medail.

Last year's winner, Huang Yong Sen, ended at (desappointing) 6th place.

Here are the complete results, standings...and a video of 2 commented games by Christopher Annachachibi (2-d):

You can also find the SGF file on OGS here:
- Semi-final Jan-Thomas:
- Final Thomas-Lucas:

Coming soon: 13th edition of the Ghent tournament: 01+02/07

Come and enjoy !

All info and registration form :

9th (and last) round of the European Team championship: Belgium crushed by Germany (0-4) (but stays in B-league)

Belgian team (Lucas, Jan, Gabriel, Victor) lost heavily (0-4) to the leader, Germany in the 9th (and last) round.
(Lucas lost by 1,5 against Jonas Welticke (7-d).

Anyway, this encounter has no any stake: Germany was sure to end 1st (and to climb next season in A-league) and Belgium was certain to stay in B-league, whatever the result would be.

Finaly, Belgium ends 6th out of 10 teams.

Complet results of the round here:

Definitive standings here: Standing:

8th round of the European Team championship: Belgium beats Lituania (3-1)

In May (02/05), Belgium beat Lituania (3-1).
Lucas, Jan and Gabriel won, but Gints lost (against a stronger opponent).

Complete results here:

It remains only one round to play. With this victory, Belgium climbed to the 6th place place (out of the 10 teams in the B-league) with 7 points and is ensured to stay in B-league in the next season.

Koichiro Habu, the Japanese from Poland, wins in Leuven

Koichiro Habu, a Japanese 5-d player living in Poland, won the 33rd edition of the Leuven tournament, with 4/5, ahead on tie-break on German 3-d Lukas Wandelt, 2nd.
Jan Ramon (4-d) completeted the podium with a 3/5 score.
Marcel Van Herck (8-k) was the only other player with 4/5.
There were 23 participants (a litlle desappointing figure).
Completed results here:

Coming soon: the 33rd edition of the Leuven Tournament (06+07/05)

You are soon welcome in Leuven, traditionnaly the 2nd most important tournament in Belgium (after the Brussels tournament).